Modelling of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) behaviour in sea-cages: Using artificial light to control swimming depth

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Martin Føre et al

Ngày đăng: 22-02-2013
Đóng góp bởi:
Modelling of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) behaviour in sea-cages: Using artificial light to control swimming depth
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Submerged artificial light sources are commonly used to control sexual maturation in farmed Atlantic salmon, but may also be a tool to steer salmon to swim at depths which are optimal for production. In this study, we used an individual-based model of the behaviour of salmon toward environmental variability to simulate the swimming depths of salmon in different seasons, production environments and artificial light regimes. Model outputs agreed with direct observations of salmon swimming depths from literature, suggesting that the model accurately simulated the behavioural mechanisms behind responses toward arti-ficial lights superimposed upon different environmental conditions.We used the model in a series of in silico experiments to predict the behavioural effects of submerged artificial lights placed at different depths in environmental conditions typical for coastalwaters inwinter, spring and summer. Themodel indicated that artificial lights controlled salmon swimming depths most efficiently in winter. Further, lights may be more efficient in sites with a more homogeneousnvironment throughout the water column (e.g. open coast) than sites that are thermally stratified (e.g. fjords). Placing submerged lights at the right depths could produce better culture conditions, ultimately resulting in increased growth. With standard measurements of temperature at several depths as a sole user input, the model could act as a tool to inform farmers of which depths to place their lights on any given day or season

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