Comparison of Diagnostic Methods for the Detection of Parasites in Fish

Tác giả:

Kim Van Van & Dinh Thi Thuy, 2008

Ngày đăng: 11-10-2013
Đóng góp bởi: Kim Văn Vạn
Comparison of Diagnostic Methods for the Detection of   Parasites in Fish
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In recent years, Aquaculture has developed very rapidly. However, fish parasitic diseases in fry and fingerling occur often. There are many methods which were used to diagnose fish parasites. In this paper, fifty wild fish belonging to three fish species: roach (Rutilus rutilus), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and bream (Blicca bjoerkna) were collected from Arreso Lake in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2005 to diagnose parasites. Parasitological investigation was implemented by normal observation, compression, digestion and PCR methods at the Fish Disease Laboratory, Pathology Department, Life Science University, Copenhagen, Denmark. The results show a high prevalence of eye fluke metacercaria in wild fish (100% of Blicca bjoerkna infected by Diplostomum  sp.). Each method has advantages and disadvantages. The classical methods are simple, cheap and easy to apply in every fish laboratory. PCR methods produced results rapidly, sensitively and exactly. But this method costs much for equipment, and 
chemicals and needs exacting technique.

"Tài liệu điện tử trên trang tepbac được chia sẻ để sử dụng cho mục đích học tập và nghiên cứu cá nhân. Nghiêm cấm mọi hình thức sao chép, in ấn phục vụ các mục đích khác nếu không được sự chấp nhận của tác giả và nhà xuất bản."

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